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 WrestleMania - Full Results

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WrestleMania - Full Results Empty
PostSubject: WrestleMania - Full Results   WrestleMania - Full Results EmptyMon 3 Apr - 20:31

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WWE Cruiserweight Champion Neville def. Austin Aries

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ORLANDO, Fla. — To quote a line from the classic TV series, “The Wire,” “If you come at the king, you best not miss.”

Well, Austin Aries connected at the WrestleMania Kickoff.
Unfortunately, it just wasn’t enough to pry the WWE Cruiserweight Championship away from Neville.

The WWE 205 Live Superstars left no stone unturned – or thrilling maneuver untried – as they battled to stand atop the Cruiserweight mountain.

The King of the Cruiserweights attempted to wear down Aries, but A-Double – who had only recently returned to ring action after a severe eye injury kept him sidelined for months – was relentless in his pursuit of the purple and silver crown.

Time and again, he fired back with reckless abandon, including a major Missile Dropkick that connected flush right on Neville’s royal chin.

As the contest progressed, Aries survived two absolutely gnarly German Suplexes from The King and fought back with a Discus Five-Arm.

The two kept scrapping until Neville found himself caught in Aries’ dreaded Last Chancery submission hold.

The King, desperate to keep his crown, viciously gouged Aries’ previously injured eye and broke the hold, then connected with the Red Arrow for the victory.

Austin Aries gave it a noble try.
However, on this night, The King stayed The King.

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PostSubject: Re: WrestleMania - Full Results   WrestleMania - Full Results EmptyMon 3 Apr - 20:34

Mojo Rawley won the 4th annual Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal

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ORLANDO, Fla. — During the WrestleMania 33 Kickoff, Mojo Rawley and Rob Gronkowski of the NFL’s New England Patriots made for a perfect team in the fourth annual Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal.

Rawley won by last eliminating Jinder Mahal, who was involved in an in-ring altercation moments earlier with the NFL tight end known as Gronk.

Thirty-three entrants from across the WWE Universe battled for the right to claim one of the most coveted trophies in sports-entertainment.

The list of combatants included a who’s who of Superstars, from former Andre the Giant Memorial Trophy winner Big Show to Chinese prospect Tian Bing and NXT Superstar Killian Dain.

Right from the outset, the odds appeared to favor the two largest Superstars in the ring: Big Show and Braun Strowman.

Each of them separately clobbered the competition, sending the first eight entrants over the top rope and out of the supersized bout.

Strowman ended the night of The World’s Largest Athlete moments later, only to be eliminated himself by every remaining Superstar in the ring.

Despite having two early favorites knocked out of the running, things took a turn for the surreal once only three Superstars were left: Rawley, Mahal and Dain.

Mahal tossed Rawley through the middle rope to the ringside floor, which did not count as an elimination.

Unfortunately, Mahal didn’t stop his assault, hurling Rawley into a ringside barricade right in front of the former NFL standout’s friend, Rob Gronkowski.

An unimpressed Mahal then drew the ire of Gronk by splashing him with a cup of water.
The NFL tight end invaded the ring moments later, then proceeded to settle the score with Mahal by leveling him with a Pro Bowl-caliber shoulder block.

Gronk’s arrival left the remaining Superstars confused, which allowed Rawley to capitalize.
He promptly eliminated the lone NXT entrant to become the last man standing in the biggest bout at The Ultimate Thrill Ride.

Mojo Rawley now belongs to an exclusive list of Superstars to raise the Andre the Giant Memorial Trophy in celebration.

He joins a group that includes inaugural winner Cesaro, 2015 victor Big Show and last year’s top dog, Baron Corbin.

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PostSubject: Re: WrestleMania - Full Results   WrestleMania - Full Results EmptyMon 3 Apr - 20:36

Intercontinental Champion Dean Ambrose def. Baron Corbin

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ORLANDO, Fla. — Since the WWE Brand Extension Draft last summer, Baron Corbin has more than lived up to his Lone Wolf nickname, meticulously stalking his prey and ascending the ranks on SmackDown LIVE.

However, the hunter will have to wait a bit longer before he becomes the hunted, as Dean Ambrose was just one step ahead of him during the WrestleMania Kickoff.

The path Corbin and Ambrose took to get here was anything but magical, and their bout reflected that same ruggedness.

The Lone Wolf and The Lunatic Fringe threw down in front of 75,000-plus fans inside the Orlando Citrus Bowl, duking it out in a contest that made this portion of The Ultimate Thrill Ride resemble a chaotic freefall on Disney Hollywood Studios’ “Twilight Zone Tower of Terror.”

Evading several major attacks from Corbin, Ambrose managed to connect with his signature elbow off the top turnbuckle and onto The Lone Wolf on the outside.

Unbelievably, Corbin not only withstood that onslaught, but he then unloaded with a relentless barrage of powerful strikes.

Corbin seemed to have The Lunatic Fringe on the ropes, but no one can ever count out Dean Ambrose, who countered The Lone Wolf and connected with Dirty Deeds for the win.

Baron Corbin’s moment in the sun will come.
However, Dean Ambrose made sure it wasn’t tonight in Orlando.

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PostSubject: Re: WrestleMania - Full Results   WrestleMania - Full Results EmptyMon 3 Apr - 20:39

AJ Styles def. Shane McMahon

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ORLANDO, Fla. – In a true WrestleMania battle for the ages, a very game AJ Styles reigned supreme over Shane McMahon and his daredevil offense.

It was a showdown destined to be chaotic from its inception.
Several weeks earlier, having felt undervalued by SmackDown LIVE’s Commissioner, “The Face That Run the Place” opted to take matters into his own hands and hurl Shane-O-Mac through a car window.

Others in power would have simply fired The Phenomenal One for this brutal action; in fact, Team Blue General Manager Daniel Bryan did fire Styles.

However, McMahon overturned Bryan’s decision, for he saw an opportunity to earn Styles’ respect while making another incredible WrestleMania Moment in the process.

And incredible it was, from the word “go,” with momentum constantly moving back and forth from the opening bell until the final three-count. First, Styles and Shane felt each other out with technical and brawling approaches, both in and out the ring.

When Styles locked in the Calf Crusher, Shane countered with a submission maneuver of his own.
When Styles vaulted himself off the ropes, Shane-O-Mac caught him in a Triangle submission on the way down, only to have The Phenomenal One fire back with the Styles Clash.

At the height of their ongoing struggle, Styles accidently knocked out the official.
With the referee down, The Phenomenal One introduced a garbage can and attempted a Coast-to-Coast, a move that SmackDown LIVE’s Commissioner has made famous.

Shane recovered and slammed the garbage can into his opponent, then successfully executed the Coast-to-Coast himself.

Shane soon attempted his patented elbow drop onto the announce table, but Styles moved, leaving his aggressor nowhere to go but crashing through the table and onto the floor.

When Styles went for the Phenomenal Forearm, Shane countered with a devastating DDT that almost earned him the win.

Shane went up top once more and attempted a Shooing Star Press, but Styles again moved out of the way at the last possible second.

This paved the way for “The Face That Runs the Place” to connect with the Phenomenal Forearm and finally seize the victory.

Though AJ Styles walked away victorious at The Ultimate Thrill Ride, Shane McMahon once again cemented his reputation as WWE’s Man Without Fear.

However, did the explosive contest truly settle matters between the head of SmackDown LIVE and one of his top Superstars? Find out on SmackDown LIVE, Tuesday night at 8/7 C, on USA Network.

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PostSubject: Re: WrestleMania - Full Results   WrestleMania - Full Results EmptyMon 3 Apr - 20:42

Kevin Owens def. United States Champion Chris Jericho

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ORLANDO, Fla. — Chris Jericho entered the sold-out Orlando Citrus Bowl, the site of WrestleMania 33, with the United States Title around his waist and a gigantic List of Jericho onstage, the latter a very public reminder of the registry on which his challenger and betrayer Kevin Owens was recently placed.

At the event Owens coined “KO-Mania,” however, it was The Prizefighter who added to a list of his own — his list of accolades.

Making good on his vow to repay Jericho for costing him the Universal Championship a month earlier at WWE Fastlane, Owens captured the prestigious stars-and-stripes title from his onetime partner-in-crime.

The Ultimate Thrill Ride’s ultimate grudge match started as any long-brewing brawl should: With fists flying.

Jericho scored an early advantage, threatening the Walls of Jericho before soaring off the top turnbuckle with a cross body block to the floor. Jericho’s momentum was stopped, however, by an Owens superkick.

The trash-talking brawler followed with a pair of cannonballs, the second of which was executed on the ring apron and caused the back of Jericho’s skull to crash into the ring post.

Familiarity may breed contempt, but in the case of the duo formerly known as Jeri-KO, it also bred an intimate knowledge of each other’s arsenals.

Jericho and Owens traded counter after counter: The Prizefighter’s frog splash was met by knees to the midsection, as was Jericho’s first Lionsault attempt moments later.

Owens tried to humiliate Jericho by locking in his own version of the Walls of Jericho, which Jericho endured.

The Ayatollah of Rock ‘n’ Rolla then returned fire, countering another cannonball by Owens into the genuine article.

KO regained the offense and berated Jericho, repeatedly slapping him in the face and telling him he was never Owens’ best friend.

The hubris caught up to him, though, when Jericho turned another Pop-Up Powerbomb attempt into the Codebreaker, a devastating impact that would have likely won the match for Jericho had Owens not been able to break the pin, in a last-ditch effort, by laying a single knuckle on the bottom rope.

Owens slipped to the floor, then managed to catch Jericho’s leg in the rope and snap it with a well-placed superkick.

The former Universal Champion next dumped his fellow Canadian with a vertebrae-crushing powerbomb on the ring apron.

Battered, exhausted and sporting an abrasion over his left eye, Owens rolled Jericho into the ring and pinned him, not only putting a final nail in the coffin in their rivalry, but starting a new journey as a first-time United States Champion.

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PostSubject: Re: WrestleMania - Full Results   WrestleMania - Full Results EmptyMon 3 Apr - 20:45

Raw Women’s Champion Bayley def. Charlotte Flair, Sasha Banks and Nia Jax (Fatal 4-Way Elimination Match)

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ORLANDO, Fla. — Hours before defending the Raw Women’s Championship at WrestleMania, Bayley tweeted that she watched The Show of Shows as a child and felt like it was on another planet.

At 2017’s edition of WrestleMania, Bayley was the center of the WWE Universe, and a childhood dream became reality as she successfully defended her title in a grueling Fatal 4-Way Elimination Match, defeating Charlotte Flair, Sasha Banks and Nia Jax.

The Hugger Section was out in full force as the champion entered the arena, draped in a cape covered in fringe reminiscent of “Macho Man” Randy Savage and blowing in the Orlando air, along with her wacky, waving, inflatable Bayley Buddies.

Charlotte Flair, who paid homage to the entrance made by her legendary father, Ric Flair, in the final match of his career at WrestleMania XXIV, joined the champion and Banks in ganging up on Nia Jax.

However, the monstrous Superstar fought them all off before crushing Bayley and hurling Flair onto Banks and Bayley at ringside.

Despite the differences between them over years of rivalry and friendship, Charlotte, Banks and Bayley joined forces to fell the towering Jax with a triple powerbomb to eliminate her from the bout.

After Jax’s ouster, however, any teamwork that had existed went out the window, with Flair exiting the ring and forcing Bayley and Banks to battle each other.

The epic struggle quickly spilled to the outside, where The Boss flattened Bayley and Charlotte dazzled the sold-out Orlando Citrus Bowl with a picture-perfect twisting moonsault from the top turnbuckle.

Back in the ring, Charlotte turned the tables in her favor by exposing the middle turnbuckle, which she later sent The Boss into face-first, and thereby put an end to Banks’ hopes of regaining the Raw Women’s Championship.

The Queen returned to the top rope, but crashed onto the canvas as Bayley evaded a moonsault.
However, Flair quickly recovered and trapped the champion in the Figure-Four Leg Lock.

Charlotte focused her offense on Bayley’s left knee, hoping to lock the Figure Eight on the weakened champion and begin her fifth reign with the title.

However, there would be no stopping Bayley from realizing her lifelong dream at The Ultimate Thrill Ride.

The champion untangled herself from the ropes, climbed up to the top and took a leap of faith.
Just like Randy Savage, Bayley connected with an Elbow Drop to retain her title.

WrestleMania is the platform on which the biggest dreams come true.
For Bayley, though, there’s no time to rest on her laurels.

The rest of the Raw Women’s division will surely be targeting her and her title.
Can she ride the high of WrestleMania glory to bigger and better things?

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PostSubject: Re: WrestleMania - Full Results   WrestleMania - Full Results EmptyMon 3 Apr - 20:49

The Hardy Boyz won a Fatal 4-Way Ladder Match to win the Raw Tag Team Championship

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ORLANDO, Fla. —The Hardy Boyz are back and they wasted no time showing why they are one of WWE’s most legendary duos, as they climbed a ladder and grabbed the titles to become the new Raw Tag Team Champions.

WrestleMania 33 was said to be The Ultimate Thrill Ride, and Matt & Jeff Hardy’s momentous return delivered as much.

Seconds before the bell rang to begin the Raw Tag Team Title Ladder Match, WrestleMania hosts The New Day arrived to announce a surprise fourth team.

The crowd’s reaction to The Hardys was so loud it likely shattered windows across Orlando.

Luke Gallows & Karl Anderson, Cesaro & Sheamus and Enzo Amore & Big Cass were thrown a serious curveball as they were tasked with competing against a pair of Superstars who helped elevate Tag Team Ladder Matches to new heights.

Matt and Jeff looked right at home, clearing the ring at the start of the match to the delight of 75,245 fans watching in the Orlando Citrus Bowl.

Despite the brothers starting the contest with a wave of momentum, the other three teams would not go away quietly.

Each duo took turns gaining the upper hand as the match ascended into absolute chaos.

Enzo & Cass nearly grabbed the titles at one point when the 7-footer hoisted Enzo up on his shoulders.

Their attempt to claim the championship was cut short, however, and the carnage continued.

Matt and Jeff’s experience in Ladder Matches proved valuable, as they took out their competition in the most extreme ways possible.

First, Matt hit a Twist of Fate off the top of a ladder on Anderson.
Then, outside the squared circle, Jeff nailed a jaw-dropping Swanton onto two ladders holding up The Swiss Superman and Celtic Warrior.

Back between the ropes, Matt climbed the ladder and grabbed the Raw Tag Team Titles.
Ladies and gentleman, The Hardy Boyz are back in WWE, and they are your new Raw Tag Team Champions.

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PostSubject: Re: WrestleMania - Full Results   WrestleMania - Full Results EmptyMon 3 Apr - 20:52

John Cena & Nikki Bella def. Miz & Maryse; Cena asks Nikki to marry him

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ORLANDO, Fla. – After proving themselves the true “It” couple by defeating The Miz & Maryse in an action-packed WrestleMania Mixed Tag Team Match, John Cena & Nikki Bella got engaged on The Grandest Stage of Them All.

In the months preceding The Show of Shows, The A-Lister and his devious spouse made it their mission to paint a picture of Cena and Nikki as nothing more than “fake” and “power-grabbing,” a sentiment they brought to life in a series of scathing mic rants and Total Bellas parodies.

For their part, The Cenation Leader and Fearless Nikki maintained that Miz had stolen everything he was from other, “more talented” competitors, while Maryse had never really done anything at all.

As a result, WrestleMania became an opportunity for each couple to show their opponents, the WWE Universe and themselves what they were truly all about.

The contest kicked off with special guest ring announcer Al Roker of NBC’s TODAY Show commanding center stage.

However, once the bell rang, it was all about the players.
Miz and Maryse began by playing mind games on Nikki and Cena.

This allowed the gloating A-Lister to gain the early advantage on The Leader of the Cenation, an edge he would maintain throughout much of the match.

Even when Cena made it to his corner to attempt to tag in Nikki, Maryse prevented it by attacking his lady love from behind.

Things took a drastic turn, though, when Nikki suddenly slapped the taste right out of Miz’s mouth. Cena tagged in Nikki, and the Fearless Superstar took charge.

From there, it was all downhill for The A-Lister couple, as Cena and Nikki executed a double Knuckle Shuffle, followed by Cena hitting the Attitude Adjustment and Nikki delivering the Rack Attack 2.0 for the double pin.

As the dust cleared and it looked like the excitement of their victory had reached its zenith, Cena decided to tell Nikki and the capacity crowd at the Orlando Citrus Bowl a story.

He revealed that when she was being wheeled into surgery last year, he asked a groggy Nikki if she knew that he would one day marry her.

Cena then proceeded to drop to one knee in the ring and deliver a bombshell by asking Nikki to do just that.

In front of a worldwide audience, Nikki instantly said yes, and the pair embraced.

In the wake of the huge news, the happy couple not only proved themselves victorious both in the ring and in life, but they’ve also made a WrestleMania Moment that will never be forgotten.

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PostSubject: Re: WrestleMania - Full Results   WrestleMania - Full Results EmptyMon 3 Apr - 20:55

Seth Rollins def. Triple H (Non-Sanctioned Match)

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ORLANDO, Fla. — The King has been slain, and “The Man” is free once again.

Seth Freakin’ Rollins redesigned his outlook and rebuilt his pride at WrestleMania, defeating his former mentor Triple H in a Non-Sanctioned Match that finally allowed The Architect to free himself of The Game’s influence once and for all.

Rollins’ mission was clear from the start.
After The King of Kings entered on a chopper — with Stephanie McMahon on the back and a full police escort — Rollins carried a torch to the ring, symbolic of his oft-stated promise to burn his opponent to the ground.

From there, he immediately made good on the leeway The Game’s Hold Harmless Agreement afforded him, driving Triple H out of the ring and over the barricade.

Triple H responded in kind, taking advantage of a step-slower-than-usual Rollins to DDT him on top of a commentary table before smashing a steel chair into his injured right knee.

Rollins successfully grinded his way to a running buckle bomb that took all the wind out of The Game’s sails and led to a strong offensive run.

However, the question still lingered as to whether Rollins would irreparably damage his own knee in his efforts to defeat The King of Kings.

Rollins managed to keep The Game at bay when tables and chairs came into the equation, but it was the interference of Stephanie McMahon that almost doomed The Architect — twice.

Stephanie first tripped Rollins off the turnbuckle and allowed The Game to trap him in a pair of reverse Figure-Four Leglocks.

Later, she wrenched Triple H’s sledgehammer out of Rollins’ hands, leading The Architect into a Pedigree that nearly sealed his fate.

At this point, The Game began to show as much wear and tear as his foe.
A thwarted second-rope Pedigree left Triple H incapacitated long enough for Rollins to hit a Phoenix Splash that, again, nearly left him unable to walk despite the damage it inflicted.

The match quickly devolved from there into a Pedigree-off, with Triple H going low to escape the maneuver.

Once again, Stephanie interfered by holding Rollins on the apron.
This time, though, The Architect was ready.

He dodged Triple H’s cheap shot, superkicked him into Stephanie, who crashed through a table, and finally executed the Pedigree that slayed The King of Kings and cemented his emancipation.

Now that Seth Rollins finds himself walking his own path, truly, for the first time in his career, all that’s left to do is rebuild himself in whatever image he sees fit.

What will his first move be?

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PostSubject: Re: WrestleMania - Full Results   WrestleMania - Full Results EmptyMon 3 Apr - 20:57

Randy Orton def. Bray Wyatt to win the WWE Championship

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ORLANDO, Fla. — Randy Orton delivered a venomous RKO to his former Wyatt Family “brother” Bray Wyatt, striking down The New Face of Fear at The Ultimate Thrill Ride to claim the WWE Championship.

The Viper and The Eater of Worlds’ dramatic rivalry has been one of the most unusual and personal conflicts in recent memory.

Add the fact that these two feared competitors were battling for SmackDown LIVE’s most prized possession, and it’s not surprising that their clash at WrestleMania 33 was such a memorable one.

After weeks of mind games, The Apex Predator and The Reaper of Souls charged at the sound of the bell, wasting no time in unleashing a flurry of blows on one another.

However, even in the middle of the ring, the mental – or perhaps supernatural – side of this rivalry continued.

As Wyatt, perched upside down in the corner of the ring, looked at his opponent, images of maggots consumed the entire canvas.

Moments later, while a dazed Orton again lay prone in the middle of the ring, images of worms appeared all over the mat.

Despite Wyatt’s mind games, Orton let his actions speak for themselves when he hit an RKO on the WWE Champion outside the ring.

Amazingly, the pinfall attempt produced only a two-count, forcing the challenger to continue wearing down the titleholder with his calculated attack.

Orton’s momentum was soon halted, however, when Wyatt delivered Sister Abigail on his former Family cohort.

Roaches appeared to fill up the ring around Orton as the champion stalked his foe with his spine-tingling spider walk.

Yet, as Wyatt readied himself to deliver the final blow on his adversary, Orton struck out of nowhere with another RKO.

This time, it was enough for Orton to pick up the win and claim his ninth WWE Championship.
Whether it was enough to end his bitter rivalry with Bray Wyatt, however, is a question that will be answered another time.

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PostSubject: Re: WrestleMania - Full Results   WrestleMania - Full Results EmptyMon 3 Apr - 21:00

Brock Lesnar def. Goldberg to win the Universal Championship

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ORLANDO, Fla. — Brock Lesnar has conquered the Universe.

The Beast Incarnate disposed of his most persistent foil at WrestleMania, ending Goldberg’s miraculous comeback run to take the Universal Championship off the waist of the iconic Superstar and install The Conqueror at the mountaintop for the first time since 2015.

It didn’t look like it was headed that way at first, though. Lesnar instantly took Goldberg to Suplex City with three Germans, but the champion stood right back up and responded with two huge Spears.

When Brock rolled to the outside to escape Goldberg, he was driven through the barricade with a third Spear.

Back in the ring, Brock attempted an F-5, but Goldberg escaped and hit yet another Spear.
Goldberg then connected with the Jackhammer — a finishing maneuver that has felled hundreds of men — yet, miraculously, Lesnar kicked out.

The Universal Champion was clearly stunned and things were never the same after that.

Goldberg charged for another Spear, but Lesnar leaped clean over him, leaving the Universal Champion to plow headfirst into the ring post.

The Beast re-opened the gates of Suplex City and took Goldberg on an all-access tour.
He administered not one, not two, not three, not four, not five, but six German Suplexes before capping off the annihilation with an F-5 from which Goldberg could not recover.

In other words: F5 = Lesnar goes up, down goes Goldberg.
And for Brock Lesnar, only one question remains: Who’s first?

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PostSubject: Re: WrestleMania - Full Results   WrestleMania - Full Results EmptyMon 3 Apr - 21:03

Naomi def. Alexa Bliss, Natalya, Carmella, Becky Lynch and Mickie James to win the SmackDown Women’s Championship

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ORLANDO, Fla. — Home is where the heart is.
For Naomi, it’s also where she won back the SmackDown Women’s Championship by defeating Alexa Bliss, Natalya, Carmella, Becky Lynch and Mickie James in a Six-Pack Challenge at WrestleMania.

Given the chaotic and competitive state of the SmackDown Women’s Title picture over the last few months, a Six-Pack Challenge – where the first person to gain a pinfall or submission is declared the victor – made for a fitting contest.

It was also a bout that started with all six Superstars brawling in the squared circle, then hurling each other onto the outside floor.

With Lynch alone in the ring, James Ellsworth thought it would be a good idea to attempt a superkick.

Unfortunately for Carmella’s cohort, The Irish Lass Kicker blocked the kick and suplexed him from the ring.

As the action continued outside the squared circle, Naomi took advantage by launching herself over the top rope and onto her five fellow competitors.

The glowing Superstar would go for the knockout blow back in the ring, but the fiery Alexa Bliss countered with a vicious right forearm to Naomi’s jaw.

The champion went in to capitalize, but Naomi countered and pounced, locking her rival in a fierce submission hold.

Naomi cinched in the unforgiving maneuver, and ultimately left a pained Bliss no choice but to tap out.

After having to relinquish the title she won at WWE Elimination Chamber due to injury, Naomi battled back to return to ring action last week and become a two-time champion.

She also left the WWE Universe basking in her glow at The Ultimate Thrill Ride.

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PostSubject: Re: WrestleMania - Full Results   WrestleMania - Full Results EmptyMon 3 Apr - 21:06

Roman Reigns def. The Undertaker

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ORLANDO, Fla. – In front of 75,245 members of the WWE Universe inside the Orlando Citrus Bowl, Roman Reigns conquered a WrestleMania institution, overcoming The Undertaker in a No Holds Barred Match at The Ultimate Thrill Ride to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that WWE is his yard now.

To step into the ring against The Phenom on The Grandest Stage of Them All is truly a daunting task all its own.

The Undertaker entered the match with an unparalleled 23-1 record at The Showcase of The Immortals.

However, no matter how many had fallen before The Demon of Death Valley, The Big Dog refused to be dissuaded from the hunt.

WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross returned to call the main event of WrestleMania, and what a main event it turned out to be.

A No Holds Barred Match would demand a clear winner, where there would be no count-out or disqualification, and only a pinfall or submission would bring the contest to a close.

The showdown began with The Undertaker and Reigns engaging in an all-out slugfest both inside and outside the ring.

Yet as time raged on, the action turned brutal when The Phenom chokeslammed Reigns onto the announce table.

But as The Deadman signaled to the capacity crowd a quick end to the contest, Reigns unexpectedly countered with an epic Spear through the Spanish announce table.

Back inside the ring, Reigns took charge until The Undertaker answered with an Earth-shattering Last Ride.

The Demon of Death Valley followed with a brutal chair assault on his prey, but Reigns roared back with a Superman Punch.

The Big Dog’s valiant attack was then squashed by Undertaker’s sudden chokeslam onto an unforgiving steel chair, and it looked as if The Phenom might once again end things with his signature Tombstone Piledriver.

Yet, unbelievably, Reigns somehow managed to kick out of The Deadman’s grip once more.

Reigns next executed a Superman Punch – one of many throughout the match – and followed up with a devastating Spear.

Though clearly staggered, The Deadman countered with Hell’s Gate, and might have claimed his 24th WrestleMania victory had Reigns not been so close to the ropes.

Not to be outdone, Reigns rallied with a brutal chair assault of his own, followed with not one, but two Spears and another Superman Punch.

As he had done at so many WrestleManias before, The Undertaker rose once more, this time in the face of Reign’s onslaught.

But this time, he would fall back to the ground, signaling that his battered body was giving out.
Reigns recognized that even though the match was over, it was still not finished because The Undertaker refused to stay down.

The Big Dog had to make a choice, and he did precisely that, delivering the fatal Spear that would put his legendary opponent to rest once and for all.

In the wake of the awesome struggle, the defeated Undertaker rose with dignity, leaving his hat, jacket and gloves in the center of the ring before slowly walking up the ramp.

The Phenom then descended down into the ramp floor, the same way he ascended prior to the match, and the WWE Universe would feel a sense of finality as WrestleMania 33 drew to a close.

Though The Undertaker’s greatness will always be synonymous with The Showcase of The Immortals, Roman Reign’s epic victory has established him as “The Guy” like never before.

What effect will The Big Dog’s triumph have on WWE? Find out on Monday Night Raw, live at 8/7 C on USA Network.

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